

New York, NY


1. Tom McLaughlin, Reform Party, COFOE Chairman
2. Alice Kelsey, Socialist Party, COFOE Treasurer
3. Harry Kresky, Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP)
4. Elliot Traiman, Socialist Party
5. Chris O’Hare, Constitution Party (NY State Chairman substituting for Gary Odom)
6. Jan Dressel, American Conservative Party (observer)
7. Richard Winger, Libertarian Party, COFOE Field Representative (via phone, due to weather)
8. Phil Huckleberry, Green Party (via phone, due to weather)

Treasurer’s report

Minutes of last year's meeting were reviewed. Motion to accept as presented was seconded and passed unanimously.

At the request of Richard Winger, the Board discussed whether to continue the policy of charging each member party/organization an annual assessment/dues of $50. The Board was in unanimous agreement to continue this policy. The Green Party had paid its 2010 assessment previously. The Reform Party paid its 2010 assessment at this meeting. The other representatives indicated that they would be contacting the appropriate individuals within their party/organization to ensure the 2010 assessment is paid in a timely manner.

Officers re-elected to one-year terms are Chair Tom McLaughlin, Vice-Chair Gary Odom, and Treasurer Alice Kelsey. The new Secretary is Phil Huckleberry.

The issue of the “Top Two Primary” in California was discussed. Although there was no consensus on this issue nor was there interest in reaching a consensus, the discussion provided information both pro and con concerning the issue.

Richard Winger phoned into the meeting from San Francisco. Richard was unable to attend in person due to weather-related issues with the airlines. Richard requested that the Board allocate $2000 for the preparation and filing of a cert petition to the US Supreme Court in the Alabama case challenging the requirement that an Independent candidate for US House needs more signatures than an Independent candidate for President. Richard explained the details of the case and answered questions from the attendees. Motion to allocate was made by Chris Ohare, seconded by Alice Kelsey. Passed unanimously.

Richard Winger apologized for his inability to attend in person and thanked all those in attendance for their service to COFOE. Richard Winger left the call.

Phil Huckleberry joined the meeting via telephone from Chicago. Phil was unable to attend in person due to weather-related issues with the airlines. It was confirmed with Phil that the previous Secretary, who is a Green Party Member, did not attend this meeting due to Phil’s planned attendance as the Green Party representative. Phil also indicated his willingness to serve as Secretary for the upcoming year. Tom McLaughlin nominated Phil Huckleberry for COFOE Secretary; seconded. Elected unanimously.

The Meeting was adjourned until 2011 at a time and place to be determined.

Coalition for Free and Open Elections

   Full and fair access to the electoral process is a right central to democracy